
Welcome to the NH Children’s Behavioral Health
Resource Center!
picture of a family with three young children posing in a field with trees in the background

Linking children, youth, young adults, and caregivers that experience mental health or substance use concerns and the people who support them to high quality, proven practices.

Welcome Families!

Look here to find services and supports, resources, or to learn more about NH’s System of Care.


A family with two young children talks to a counselor

Welcome Providers!

Providers can look here to find upcoming behavioral health training and technical assistance opportunities.

Learn More

Diverse group of people raising hands while answering questions during training seminar

Printable Flyer

We invite providers to post this flyer in offices and share it with families who could benefit from the information and resources available on this site. 
Download NH Children's Behavioral Health Resource Center Printable Flyer