Children, youth, and families want to know that they are receiving mental health or substance-related services that work and that match their needs, values, and preferences.
When enough research shows that a service is helpful for a specific condition, it is called an evidence-based practice. Evidence-based practices have guidelines and tools for providers to follow to be sure that everyone receives the same high-quality service – no matter where they live or get their services.
The NH Bureau of Children’s Behavioral Health and the Children's Behavioral Health Resource Center promote treatments and supports that have research behind them and that meet an important need within the NH Children’s System of Care. This means the chosen treatments and supports:
- Help children, youth, and families to overcome mental health or substance use concerns;
- Allow the provider (such as a therapist, counselor, family support partner, case manager) to partner with people from a variety of situations and cultures;
- Are clear about who the practice is for, and what the outcome should be;
- Include detailed practice, training, coaching, and monitoring information;
- Are consistent with the NH System of Care values and principles
- Are easy to deliver, affordable, acceptable to providers, and are likely to be sustained over time if they work well.
The NH CBH Resource Center uses the California Evidence Based Clearinghouse ratings for guidance regarding how to describe the treatments and supports being implemented as part of NH Children’s System of Care.
The ratings are:
- Well-Supported by Research Evidence means the treatment or support has shown positive results through rigorous research methods, including at least two rigorous randomized controlled trials. A randomized controlled trial is a type of study where participants are randomly assigned to receive either an intervention or control treatment (often usual care services). This allows the effect of the intervention to be studied in groups of people who are: (1) the same from the beginning and (2) treated the same way, except for the intervention(s) being studied. The different outcomes between the two groups can then be credited to the intervention or treatment alone, and not to bias or chance. This is the highest rating.
- Supported by Research Evidence means the treatment or support has shown positive results from one randomized controlled trial. This is the second highest rating.
- Promising Research Evidence means the treatment or support has shown positive results through at least one study utilizing some form of control (e.g., untreated group, placebo group, matched wait list study) and reported in published, peer-reviewed literature. This is the third highest rating.
- Not Rated means these treatments or supports have not been rated by the California Clearinghouse system.
You will see these ratings at the bottom of each Treatment or Support. If there is no rating, the practice is “Not Rated.”