Treatments and Supports

Treatments and Supports
arms and hands from light to dark skinned people are stacked on top of eachother to represent community and teamwork

Child-Parent Psychotherapy (CPP) Is a proven treatment designed to address the needs of young children (ages birth through 5) who are experiencing emotional or behavioral problems because of various difficult or painful experiences.

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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a type of talk therapy that has been proven effective to treat people who are struggling with a mental health or substance use disorder.

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Dialectical Behavioral Treatment for Adolescents is a form of cognitive behavioral therapy that treats youth who engage in suicidal behaviors, self-injury, or other mental health problems that threaten their safety and well-being or the safety of others.

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Early Childhood Wraparound is a family-driven planning and team-based model designed to help families who are struggling to raise a young child with an identified mental health concern or where there is a risk that the child may develop a significant mental health concern.

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FAST Forward is New Hampshire’s youth- and family-driven wraparound care coordination model for children or youth, ages 5 to 21, who have a serious emotional challenge. FAST Forward is focused on keeping the child/youth in their home community by engaging service providers and informal supports in a structured, team-based support process.

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The NH HOPE (Helping Overcome Psychosis Early) model provides supports and services to young people who are experiencing early onset psychosis and their families. A team of helpers provides several proven services to help the young person remain in the community and thrive, while avoiding long-term hospital stays.

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MATCH is a scientifically proven cognitive-behavioral approach for children and youth who experience anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress, or disruptive behavior problems, including those associated with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.

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Multi-Tiered System of Supports for Behavioral Health & Wellness (MTSS-B) is a proven framework that schools and school districts use. MTSS-B works to create safe, supportive, and consistent environments where all students can thrive and learn. MTSS-B is a “tiered” system of supports and proven interventions designed to meet the needs of every student so they can stay in the classroom and learn.

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RENEW is an evidence-informed, youth-driven planning process that focuses on school-to-adult life transition for those who face emotional, behavioral, or social challenges.

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The Seven Challenges® is designed to help youth and young adults with substance use disorders and co-occurring mental health disorders discover the reasons why they misuse substances and establish a plan for a healthier future.

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Transitional Residential Enhanced Care Coordination (TRECC) is a care coordination model designed to guide families through the process of helping a youth or child come back into the community or a lower level of care if they are in a residential treatment program, or to find and receive an episode of residential treatment when needed.

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